Keeping Tabs: Metal Tabs
We accept aluminum tabs. We donate to Silver for Gold. Silver for Gold was created by EcoGenX Agricultural Recycling with the help of Small But Mighty SK. The team of EcoGenX was compelled to start Silver for Gold when a child in their community was diagnosed with cancer. The team got ahold of Small But Mighty SK, asking how they could help, and the idea grew from there. Silver for Gold collects pop can tabs from across the country to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer. The Annual Gold Walk, held in September in Saskatoon by Small But Mighty SK, is the mass collection day for all the tabs collected by families, businesses, and individuals. The tabs are then hauled to a JK Metals in Broadview, SK, by EcoGenX and 100% of the money is donated to Childhood Cancer Canada.
Send them to:
Pioneer Manager
2nd Floor, 2121 Sask Dr
Regina SK S4P 3Y2
Phone: 306-777-2515
Donations for Local Shelters / Outreach Centers
SAEN and the SaskTel Pioneers are accepting donations of unused hygiene items (e.g. soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste / brushes, feminine hygiene, etc) to be distributed to local shelters / outreach centres. This is an ongoing program and you can drop off items on the 2nd floor of Head Office in Regina. For more information, contact Gina Angielski at 306 777-1778.